Rumays Intl. Trading Co.

Slack Wax

Slack wax, a mixture of oil and wax is a byproduct of the base oil refinery process, which serves as a feed stock and that is further refined and blended to produce value-added petroleum wax products
Slack wax is the crude wax produced by chilling and solvent filter-pressing wax distillate. It is a raw refinery output that is a precursor of paraffin wax and scale wax. It is mostly used as a primary substance for methods that produce different grades of paraffin.

Slack Wax is mixture of paraffin wax and oil originated from petroleum crude oil. Paraffin wax refers to a mixture of alkanes within the Carbon no in 20 ≤ n ≤ 40 ranges. It is a byproduct derived in the process of producing Lube cut. During paraffin wax production, Slack wax is feuded into the system as raw material which is finally processed into different grades of Paraffin Wax after performing the refining processes, defiling and bleaching. The oil extracted during the defiling process, is a byproduct called ‘residue wax’ (Foots Oil).

Only 2% of crude oil is converted into lubricating oils, and a small percent of that processed into wax products. Paraffin and Microcrystalline are separated from lubricating oils during vacuum distillation are less refined high oil products.


Slack Wax Properties

Slack Wax is a translucent crystalline material in the solid state and a yellow, clear liquid when molten.
Slack wax verifies from light to heavy grades based on its melting point. Melting point 50-52 ˚C is categorized in light grades and 53-55 ˚C is the heavy grade, and their oil content ranges from 5.0% to as much as 35%.

Recognizing the properties of slack wax will give you the ability to determine its applications in industries.

If you rub Slack Wax and its products, for example, paraffin, on a surface or a hole, it protects the target from getting wet. This property of Slack Wax is because of its monomolecular structure. Generally, Slack Wax is considered as a defender against water penetration.

Thermal insulation
Slack Wax is also known as a thermal insulator. This is very useful for textile and some other industries. You can coat every surface by paraffin just to prevent heat from transferring. For instance, it is useful for filling the gap of two different septa by Paraffin if you want to imprison heat in a hypothetical space. With a high heat capacity, you can be sure about the Slack Wax application in this field.

Electrical insulation
Slack Wax properties cause electrical insulation which is useful in the electrical industry. The electrical insulator at this phase of the material has lots of applications. For example, you can cover boards and surfaces of electrical circuits by paraffin to prevent the whole system from any dangers.

Certainly, everybody knows the importance of the lubricating process in every industry. Lubricating helps you to reduce the heat generated by motion. When a surface is drawn to another, the heat will be produced, and this is so harmful. By heat increase, the movement becomes slow. Therefore, the lubrication process will be our solution in this case.

Low density
This means you can add a high amount of Slack Wax to the system without any worries about the weight. A material with low density is mostly known as a light material. Light materials with high efficiencies would be beneficial in industries.

Melting without decomposition
It melts without decomposition, and this will make it effective for some of the industrial purposes.


Quality Control

Internationally Slack waxes quality controlled by their physical properties such as melting point, congealing point, oil content, viscosity, penetration and color.

These tests are developed by the ASTM and each has specific number and standard. Clients can use services of international inspectors such as SGS for quality and quantity control purposes of them.

Points below are schematic of slack wax test:

Melting Point ASTM D87: Provides Information On Temperature At Which Most Of A Given slack wax Changes From A Solid To A Liquid.

Congealing Point ASTM D938: Measures When one of them Ceases To Flow.

Drop Melt Point of them ASTM D127: Generally Used On Waxes That Don’t Show A Melting Plateau Such As Petrolatum And Microcrystalline Waxes.

Needle Penetration ASTM D1321: Measures The Hardness Of them.

Oil Content of ASTM D721: The Amount Of Oil In them . Indicates Degree Of Refining.

Kinematic Viscosity ASTM D445: The Resistance To Flow Of A Molten slack wax At The Test Temperature.

Color of slack wax ASTM D6045: Visual Comparison Of their Color (Molten) Against Glass Color Standards.

Slack Waxes Categories

Slack Wax can be classified as Heavy and Light depending on the Lubricating oil fraction feedstock.

Melting point 50-52˚C is categorized in light grades and 53-55˚C is the heavy grade, and their oil content ranges from 5.0% to as much as 35%.

The slack Wax specification is somehow the same among its various grades. It is naturally brown in color and has a high viscosity.

Types of Slack Waxes

Slack Wax Grades - Technical Specifications

Slack wax light grade 10% oil content

30/40 bitumen means penetration grade bitumen type which its penetration is in the range 30 to 40 mm at 25 degree Celsius. Bitumen 30/40 is a hard grade of bitumen. This grade is one of the most used bitumen grades for road construction in tropical areas.

As the hot weather of these regions can be a challenge for mixtures of asphalt, bitumen 30/40 is offered due to its high air blowing and penetration value.

Bitumen grade 30/40 is produced from the vacuum residue in a refinery. 

CHARACTERISTICUnitResultTest method
WhatsApp: (+968) 711 0378
Kinematic viscosity @100 ˚CCst5ASTM D-445
Flash point˚C230ASTM D-92
Specific gravity 25 ˚C/25 ˚C-0.80ASTM D-190
Oil Content%wt8-10 ASTM D-721
Congealing Point ˚C55ASTM D-937
Color-3ASTM D-1500
Drop Melting Point ˚C 57ASTM D-127

Slack wax light grade 12% oil content

30/40 bitumen means penetration grade bitumen type which its penetration is in the range 30 to 40 mm at 25 degree Celsius. Bitumen 30/40 is a hard grade of bitumen. This grade is one of the most used bitumen grades for road construction in tropical areas.

As the hot weather of these regions can be a challenge for mixtures of asphalt, bitumen 30/40 is offered due to its high air blowing and penetration value.

Bitumen grade 30/40 is produced from the vacuum residue in a refinery. 

CHARACTERISTICUnitResultTest method
WhatsApp: (+968) 711 0378
Kinematic viscosity @100 ˚CCst7ASTM D-445
Flash point˚C250ASTM D-92
Specific gravity 25 ˚C/25 ˚C-0.820ASTM D-190
Oil Content%wt12ASTM D-721
Congealing Point ˚C50ASTM D-937
Drop Melting Point ˚C 50ASTM D-127

Slack wax light grade 30% oil content

30/40 bitumen means penetration grade bitumen type which its penetration is in the range 30 to 40 mm at 25 degree Celsius. Bitumen 30/40 is a hard grade of bitumen. This grade is one of the most used bitumen grades for road construction in tropical areas.

As the hot weather of these regions can be a challenge for mixtures of asphalt, bitumen 30/40 is offered due to its high air blowing and penetration value.

Bitumen grade 30/40 is produced from the vacuum residue in a refinery. 

CHARACTERISTICUnitResultTest method
WhatsApp: (+968) 711 0378
Kinematic viscosity @100 ˚CCst7-8ASTM D-445
Flash point˚C230ASTM D-92
Specific gravity 25 ˚C/25 ˚C-0.78ASTM D-190
Oil Content%wt30-35 ASTM D-721
Congealing Point ˚C50ASTM D-937
Color-4ASTM D-1500
Drop Melting Point ˚C 52ASTM D-127

Slack wax light grade 35% oil content

30/40 bitumen means penetration grade bitumen type which its penetration is in the range 30 to 40 mm at 25 degree Celsius. Bitumen 30/40 is a hard grade of bitumen. This grade is one of the most used bitumen grades for road construction in tropical areas.

As the hot weather of these regions can be a challenge for mixtures of asphalt, bitumen 30/40 is offered due to its high air blowing and penetration value.

Bitumen grade 30/40 is produced from the vacuum residue in a refinery. 

CHARACTERISTICUnitResultTest method
WhatsApp: (+968) 711 0378
Kinematic viscosity @100 ˚CCst8ASTM D-445
Flash point˚C265ASTM D-92
Specific gravity 25 ˚C/25 ˚C-0.885ASTM D-190
Oil Content%wt35 ASTM D-721
Congealing Point ˚C61ASTM D-937
Color-2.0 (Brown)ASTM D-1500
Drop Melting Point ˚C 65ASTM D-127

Slack Wax Applications:

According to the refinery process of this product, Slack wax is categorized into two types: Heavy and Light.

Light Slack Wax is mainly used to produce fully-refined paraffin wax. Fully-refined paraffin Fully refined products may be filtered to remove color and odor and is useful in cosmetics and food industries.

Heavy Slack Wax is processed into semi-refined paraffin wax. Unlike the first, heavy Slack Wax is applicable only in unhygienic uses like manufacturing candles, adhesive, ink, and rubbers.

Slack wax has many applications. The most uses of slack wax are mentioned below

Paraffin manufacturing
Fuel industries
Construction board
Rust protective products and moisture vapor barrier
Carbon paper and externally can be applied as good dust suppressants or controlled-release agents for various chemical and fertilizers
Blended component in PVC industry as lubricant
Dust Suppressants
Waterproofing Industry
The production of petrolatum and microcrystalline waxes
Slack waxes are widely used in the production of wax emulsions, construction board, matches, Glass wool and textile treating, synthetic fire logs, matches, inks, weed bars, carbon paper, composite wood panels, chemicals and fertilizers, Paraffin wax production and candle production, in arena footing, in soil or turf protection, polishes, in fireplace products. Applied externally, these waxes can also function as good dust suppressants and/or controlled-release agents for various and also Rust protective products and waterproofing agents in the manufacture of various industrial products.

Paraffin Wax as a Product of Slack Wax

After passing some steps, Slack Wax will change into paraffin which is the main substance of the Candle. The way it works is not complicated.

The first phase of the paraffin wax process is to take oil from Slack Wax. In the industry, it is called de-oiling or de-waxing.

In the de-waxing step, we remove the oil completely from the Slack Wax. Good to know that this action is possible by crystallization.

Crystallization is a process in which the precursor gets heated then cooled. It gets heated, mixed with one or more solvents such as a Ketone and in the end, it is cooled.

Now we have crystallized Slack Wax out of oil and solid mixture. The name of the mentioned step is filtering. Crystallizing makes filtering easier. In the end, we have solid material with an oily component.

In a histology or pathology laboratory, paraffin wax has an important use. It is used to impregnate tissues for sectioning. Water is excluded from the tissue through ascending strengths of alcohol. In the following process, the tissue would be clear and clean in an organic solvent such as xylene and it will be put inside the paraffin wax. After a couple of hours when wax gets solid, sections can be cut on a micro-tome. But this isn’t the only use of this substance.

Another use of paraffin wax is chiefly artistic. Nowadays Wax Carving is so popular among the customers. The procedure is easy and interesting. Usually, tools like saws, specific knives, and sandpapers are used to shape Wax into statues that we want. Handicrafts have a wide market and they are high on demand. Slack Wax which we supply, is the best substance for producing Wax which you need for the wax carving technique.

Another industry that has Slack Wax in its list of requirements is the textile industry. For thermal insulation and protecting some cloth with specific applications, Slack Wax and paraffin are recommended. Paraffin is applied for coating textiles. This coating is necessary to protect cloth which is obligatory for some needs. As a matter of fact, paraffin is a very appropriate material to avoid heat or chill.

The next application is a little bit different.

Now, let’s move to the food-grade paraffin. In the following, we list some of its applications in food industries:

1- As a Sealant

Paraffin made from Slack Wax can be used to protect food in jars and cans. This isn’t complex. You should only cover seams of the can to protect the food inside.

2- As an Additive to Produce Chewing Gum

3- As a Shiny Material to Coat Candies

It is possible to coat candies with paraffin to make them more attractive. Paraffin isn’t harmful because with no digestion it passes through the digestive system.
Paraffin is also applicable to investment casting. A lubricating bullet is another common application of Wax. In weapon and gunnery industries it is very important to lubricate bullets for helping their moving process.

It is impossible to produce crayons without Slack Wax. Paraffin produced from Slack Wax is one of the primary substances of crayons. It helps crayons to be smooth to use.

One of the important applications of paraffin is in Rocket industries. As a Solid propellant for hybrid rocket motors, paraffin is so important in this era. Slack Wax uses are more extensive than what we think. Another important application is using it as an antiozonant.

But what are antiozonants? Ozone is a gas that protects us from the harmful radiation of the Sun, but it is harmful to Plastic durability. It weakens plastic’s structure. So antiozonants are agents to prevent ozone from harming plastics. Paraffin is an effective antiozonant that protects plastic.

Another artistic use of Slack Wax is in the printing industries. Ink gets mixed with paraffin and gets sprayed on paper. So, at last, you have water-proof images that are so durable and persistent.

The next industries which we focus on are Mechanical industries. Paraffin as a high-end product of Slack Wax is serviceable as thermostats and actuators.

As an expansion medium for activating such devices, paraffin is essential. It is a Phase-change material. What is a phase-change material and what is its application? A phase-change material (PCM) is a specific substance which is useful to exchange heat.

Sometimes it delivers energy and sometimes receives it. Everything depends on the phase transition. By melting and solidifying at phase change temperature (PCT), it is capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy compared to sensible heat storage.

Paraffin is useful as a phase-change material. This valuable material is also effective in the color industry. Color producers can use a complex based on wax to concentrate color properly.


Slack Wax Applications: Packing of Slack Wax

  • Bulk Liquid (via tank truck or railcar)
  • New or second hand 180 kg drums, (in each 20 foot container 110 drums of slack wax can be loaded)
  • Polyamide bags / Jumbo Bags 600-1000 Kg
  • ISO tank (20 MT can be loaded)
  • Flexi tanks (20 MT can be loaded)
  • Slack wax can be formed into LiquidFree-Flowing Granules and Slabs (5 Kg).


Bitumen Penetration Grade 30/40 Specifications

30/40 bitumen means penetration grade bitumen type which its penetration is in the range 30 to 40 mm at 25 degree Celsius. Bitumen 30/40 is a hard grade of bitumen. This grade is one of the most used bitumen grades for road construction in tropical areas.

As the hot weather of these regions can be a challenge for mixtures of asphalt, bitumen 30/40 is offered due to its high air blowing and penetration value.

Bitumen grade 30/40 is produced from the vacuum residue in a refinery. 

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CASTM D70kg/m³1.011.05
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sASTM D50.1mm3040
Softening PointASTM D36°C5160
Ductility at 25 °CASTM D113Cm100-
Loss on Heating ASTM D6%WT-0.5
Drop in Penetration after HeatingASTM D5%-20
Flash PointASTM D92°C250-
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042%WT99.5-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 40/50 Specifications

Bitumen 40/50 indicates that the penetration value is in the range of 40 to 50 at standard laboratory conditions.

To be more specific, the penetration value of this grade is between 4 to 5 mm. This grade of bitumen is also known as the paving grade of bitumen. It is produced by aeration of vacuum bottoms in bitumen production units.

Bitumen 40/50 is suitable for road construction and asphalt pavements. This type of bitumen is applicable in manufacturing hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses. Another usage of this product is on the roads in tropical regions.

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CASTM D70kg/m³1.011.05
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sASTM D50.1mm4050
Softening PointASTM D36°C5260
Ductility at 25 °CASTM D113Cm100-
Loss on Heating ASTM D6%WT-0.5
Drop in Penetration after HeatingASTM D5%-20
Flash PointASTM D92°C250-
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042%WT99.5-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 50/70 Specifications

Bitumen 50/70 is a semi hard type of bitumen which is mostly applied in construction and asphalt repair.

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sEN 1426 0.1mm5070
Softening PointEN 1427 °C4654
Kinematic Viscosity@135 °CEN 12595 CST295-
Penetration Index EN12591mm-1.5 + 0.7
Flash PointEN 2592 °C 230-
Solubility in Toluene or Xylene EN 12592%WT 99-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 60/70 Specifications60

Bitumen 60/70, just like other penetration grades, is produced through a blowing process in a refinery. Visit the bitumen production process page to know more details about air blowing process in a refinery.

Due to its medium air blowing and penetration, it is suitable for mild areas. It’s applicable in road constructions. As it is neither hard or soft, it’s highly recommended in a temperate climate.

This grade of bitumen is mainly used for pavement of roads suitable for commercial traffic.

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CASTM D70kg/m³1.011.06
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sASTM D50.1mm6070
Softening PointASTM D36°C4956
Ductility at 25 °CASTM D113Cm100-
Loss on Heating ASTM D6%WT-0.2
Drop in Penetration after HeatingASTM D5%-20
Flash PointASTM D92°C250-
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042%WT99-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 70/100 Specifications

70/100 Penetration Grade Bitumen is used as the base bitumen for the manufacture of the majority of bitumen emulsions and polymer modified binders.

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CEN 15326 kg/m³1.011.05
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sEN 1426 0.1mm70100
Softening PointEN 1427 °C4353
Ductility at 25 °CEN 13589 Cm100-
Loss on Heating EN 12607 %WT-0.5
Flash Point EN 2592 °C 225-
Solubility in Trichloroethylene EN 12592 %WT 99-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 80/100 Specifications

Bitumen 80/100 grade is a semi-soft grade of bitumen which is appropriate for cold regions.

This grade is notably used in northern Africa especially Kenya and Tanzania market. 

Although this bitumen grade has been used in many countries, it has been mostly used in East African countries such as Kenya and Tanzania.

Infinity Galaxy company is proud to have the responsibility of exporting bitumen grade 80/100 to great costumers of these two countries.

If you require to know the steps of buying bitumen in Kenya, you can read the page Buy Bitumen in Kenya, to get more information.

It should be noted that having PVOC (Pre-Export Verification of Conformity) and GIS (Government and Institution Services) documents is mandatory for exporting bitumen grade 80/100 to Mombasa port of Kenya. Besides, the drums must have the specific marking approved by Mombasa customs in Kenya. For exporting to other East African countries, PVOC (Pre-Export Verification of Conformity) and GIS (Government and Institution Services) inspection are not required anymore. Only SGS inspection is needed for the commodity entrance.

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CASTM D70kg/m³1.011.05
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sASTM D50.1mm80100
Softening PointASTM D36°C4252
Ductility at 25 °CASTM D113Cm100-
Loss on Heating ASTM D6%WT-0.5
Flash PointASTM D92°C250-
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042%WT99.5-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 85/100 Specifications

Bitumen 85/100 grade is a type of bitumen with the penetration value of 85 to 100 mm.

Due to its low air blowing and penetration value, it is suitable for cold regions. 85/100 grade does not crack in low temperatures.

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CASTM D70kg/m³1.011.05
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sASTM D50.1mm85100
Softening PointASTM D36°C4252
Ductility at 25 °CASTM D113Cm100-
Loss on Heating ASTM D6%WT-0.5
Flash PointASTM D92°C225-
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042%WT99-

Bitumen Penetration Grade 100/120 Specifications

Bitumen 100/120 is a standard penetration grade

Specification Test MethodUnitMin. Max.
Specific Gravity at 25 °CASTM D70kg/m³1.011.05
Penetration at 25 °C, 100g, 5sASTM D50.1mm100120
Softening PointASTM D36°C4249
Ductility at 25 °CASTM D113Cm100-
Loss on Heating ASTM D6%WT-0.2
Flash PointASTM D92°C-250
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042%WT-99.5